Eric Cartman

I'm gunna wait until it's released, I want to play with it in my hands first.

@seriously, saycarramrod: When california falls into the ocean, that might become beach front property.... i'd hold onto that

@avntgrd304: No, I've developed a form of synthetic tiberium, it's actually quite neat... I like the blue personally :D

I'm a fan of the F-22, expensive and purely awesome!

Is this a new X-302 project? I feel that the 302s need upgrades... as they are quite old...

I think near future means 5 days....

I usually render and export videos during the night...

I just want Android 2.1 on it!! It has such a beautiful screen. I think other than the screen, its almost got the same specs as the Nexus One..

Is Sony making a pun? Like, are they leaving the gaming market? hmmmm....

they can autograph my ebook reader. That would be a nice start..

Seems so... so boring, where is the adrenaline rush you get from flying a real plane? I guess I'll never fulfill my dream of doing a TopGun and getting that photo I always wanted...

My question is what iPhone is it? 3Gs or no deal..

I still want my RC helicopter with lazer beams that beam taycos onto my plate.

I'm sold!