What's with the old school graphics? it puts me off.
It seems they are using "old school pixelated" as a pretext for lazy work...
There are too many pixelated stuff nowadays. It doesn't need to be uber realistic, just...
What's with the old school graphics? it puts me off.
It seems they are using "old school pixelated" as a pretext for lazy work...
There are too many pixelated stuff nowadays. It doesn't need to be uber realistic, just...
Like, slaves.
Yesterday i got a job oportunity for translating japanese games...
But i know only basic stuff, like almost nothing (first semester of the jap class).
Are you taking orders for the Pip-Boy? Can i personalize my UI?
It's not much a case of "they realized" but more of "some western gamer guys that know japanese are officially translating the japanese games".
I see what you did there...
I was going to answer something along these lines...
They put apples in it...
Apple (en)sues.
These DONATIONS enable an efficient use of his TIME and SKILLS for a game. Or do you think the money magically becomes code and compiles itself?
If nobody ever wanted to hear opinions, how one improves something?
Have you ever heard of "Discussion"?
And, aren't you calling yourself a 2,5 year old too?
Isn't that too young to be sexually harassing mothers?
Those are lasers.
Y-yeah, sure...
Don`t be sad, ok?
Technically, if he saw a Flying car, it's not an UFO anymore =D
But i see your point.
They way you say it looks like we shouldn't care as much as gameplay/story as we should for graphics?
Because graphics are everything? Final Fantasy proved us that having good graphics doesn't make a good game (I like them though). FPS now a days are "mostly" just a re-skinned version of their old iterations (save for…
I sometimes use them because, some games offer content that is permanently missable (unless you replay, but i don't have that much patience).
Throw in a spoon of talent and you got yourself a nice cake they would bite.
The mod.
Although the PC versions can be considered remasters... they don't reach that level in the picture.
Wut? a Mobile Tank that shoots nukes?
Shagohod, is that you?
But your assumption is based on the fact that they change things and mess up, while the core design we are requiring is a graphical update, since the core gameplay already is amazing.
BUT i do think they could implement something new, and i do believe that, in doing That, they have a high chance to screw up... because,…
I am curious as to why. Care to explain.
Because i would buy.
This. Simple fix.
If i ever buy this.
Nicely put, i feel the same.
i also own a PS3, because Metal Gear 4, GT5 and others.
While i don't want to take sides, if you note that the PS4 architeture is now x86 based It's somewhat showing that the PC structure itself has the advantage. I will still buy a PS4, or maybe the next gen Xbox.