I don’t think the North American, Call Before You Dig companies, have an ordnance protocol.
I don’t think the North American, Call Before You Dig companies, have an ordnance protocol.
Humans are omnivores. We can kill an animal in a humane way or in a horrible way, but we will kill animals and eat them.
Bring-a-Trailer 6mo. from now:
Miata w/ Helicopter engine swap
The Elk died, that makes this a tie. 1-1
Hurley Haywood at 69 could kick all of our asses at the track..so no, 70 isn’t too old to be at the track.
I’m actually stunned that the amount is that small. I mean, 13 million gallons sounds like a huge amount of water on the face of things - if you’re trying to visualize it, that’s 20 Olympic swimming pools. But that’s not how we normally encounter water, and once you have it flowing in pipes for 24 hours a day you can…
I was under the impression that periodic flooding was a feature designed to flush the urine and dead rats out of the system.
True but wouldn’t you rather go out doing something you love, than strapped to a hospital bed withering away?
It’s easy to forget sometimes how dangerous our hobbies can be. RIP
I doubt it. It’s not a bad layout...not sure why everyone here has to act like it’s impossible that it’s actually for engineering reasons as well.
Now THIS is great history I can tie into my fake racing history! Oh, and I’ve gotta figure out which cool people I happen to drink with after racing all day.
Cool! Hell, I’M interested in how this goes too! LOL
Ah but on the flipside, there’s no reason not to drive a car that valuable. You can’t possibly total it no matter how bad you wreck it, because insurance will always pay to rebuild it. And who’s to say putting miles on one could even devalue it? If there were numerous for sale at a time, sure. But often there is only…
And chock full of British engineering.
it is because they are ugly
Acela makes the money, but that doesn’t mean it gets reinvested there. Instead it goes to subsidize the congressionally mandated cross country routes, that have been rendered obsolete by air travel.
“I need a part.”
Go to the local O’Reilly store on a Sunday morning. Two people working. Store wasn’t busy, but they both were doing something. I needed some vacuum or fuel hose (can’t remember which), and I wanted it from their bulk supply, not the prepackaged stuff on the sales floor.