
You residents of NYC voted these morons into office. You continue to vote these morons into office. You bitch about the corruption and incompetence of the folks these very same elected officials hired to manage these functions yet you continue to vote these morons into office.

I really don’t need to know Hurley’s sexual orientation. It doesn’t matter at all. Doesn’t matter to me as a race fan, it didn’t matter to the folks that hired him to drive. He got the job done, period.

EVERYone needs to change brake fluid at least every 3 years. It is the most neglected fluid in any car, truck or motorcycle. The stuff absorbs water and that causes internal corrosion as well as reduces the fluid’s boiling point. And you don’t want the fluid to boil driving down a long hill. No brakes, then die!

I get it, not a criticism., I love the car, straight sixes rock!

That should be a Ford Barra engine in there, just sayin’

And these very same parts stores wonder why RockAuto, Walmart and Amazon are starting to strangle them to death??

Amtrak is government owned and operated from its inception. Also from its inception it has never, ever run in the black Amtrak has absorbed tax dollars contrary to its promises since day one to become profitable.

The true test of a car’s design comes 10, 20, 30 and more years later. If it is still beautiful many decades later, well that’s the true test.

You CAN do both at the same time on the same engine.... SC for low end boost and turbo for high rpm boost.

A Rootes type supercharger is, indeed, adding pressure because that is exactly how superchargers work. The Rootes is an air pump like all suoperchargers and turbochargers no matter the design. All are designed to increase the cylinder pressure before the intake valve closes to stuff more air and fuel into the cylinder

No, the “vast majority” of New Yorkers don’t own cars. 23% of households is not even a simple majority, let alone “vast.” Big difference in NYC and New York state. We are discussing NYC.

So how many of them drive? Many NYC dwellers don’t have a drivers license. Even fewer own cars. Notice I also said “and elsewhere” in my post. Jalponik is read by other than just Americans.

Not lecturing you Bikey. so don’t get your panties in a wad.

Far more people than you might imagine think the government is there to save them, protect them and provide for them. There are tons of websites dedicated to that belief. Like this one.

#1, Yes, no guarantees.

Yeah Brother! You speak the truth!

Sadly, I agree. Darwin will weed them out but that’s not how we do things in the US. We protect, the weak, the infirm, the mentally challenged but the stupid and the lazy asses, too.

You must design to the lowest common denominator with any project in the US. ‘Cause hungry lawyers. And Florida has TONS of hungry lawyers, and lowest common denominators, too.

Well, when shit goes wrong on a train, it can go REALLY wrong!

No don’t send it to the USA. We get killed dealing with a 79 mph train in Florida. We can’t deal with any shit faster than that.