
117,000 miles on the clock but 5500 HOURS (3000 hours is about right for 100,000 miles) on the motor from idling outside a perps house on stakeout.

3 airlines, that’s great access. Competition lowers prices. Amtrak is not cheap. How about a Greyhound bus?

Weather affects even trains at times. There is accessibility and there is reliability.

Public transit in the US came about as private rail, bus, streetcar and canal boat lines started to fail and were taken over by government entities. They failed because better solutions were created and money flowed elsewhere. Governments can lose money on these enterprises while businesses will not.

Yes, lived and worked in the midwest all my life. Worked in a town of 3200 residents for a few years. Traveled to 45 states and 11 countries. I asked this question to see if any of the complainers had an answer. You were the only one that offered somewhat of an answer.

Sounds like a statement from someone without an answer to my question.

Can you list a few places in the US served by Amtrak that are not served by an airport or significant highway system?

Can you list a few places in the US served by Amtrak that are not served by an airport or significant highway system?

Excellent points, ones I would make myself if you had not. Amtrak is a sinkhole for money because Congress micromanages it with patronage. I love trains when they make sense and don’t run at a loss. The northeast developed around rail service and as such, rail service succeeds. Cross country routes are better served

Maybe if progressives would stop lumping everyone on the right as racist, nazi, white hood wearing, bible thumping gunslingers, they’d stop lumping progressives in with the loud, angry, violent, welfare-cheating, dope smoking, lazy, looters.

two words.... Tea Party

Yeah, bashing out the glass at Hillary donors, Starbucks and Bank of America, doesn’t encourage the cops to stop throwing flash-bangs and tear gas. The bricks and cement don’t help either. That shit can get you shot.

Good thing, too, ‘cause if it was legal to lynch fascists, the fascist progressives would be just as vulnerable.

I love it, I love reading the comments here that the “tolerant progressive” - an oxymoron, really - have posted here.

Second that! Excellent piece!

I also live on the west coast of Florida. Right no tolls. Some internal mid-Fl roads and lots on the bridges to the islands.. like Sanibel or the Sunshine Skyway... have tolls. It’s good to own a transponder because they can pop up in your way and who has change anymore?

Wrap her ass in some fiberglass....

Well, it IS a logical argument but this IS the government. Apparently my temp tag is “guilty” and there is no “innocent until proven guilty” for a temp tag so I must pay or risk getting arrested.

The toll authority sent me a bill with only the plate showing on the wrong car with MY temp tag numbers - which were ON my car when the pic was taken. Like a parking ticket, the car gets the bill and since at the time, I owned the car and the tag, I get the bill 3 months later. No matter that it wasn’t the right car.

A simple solution is the get a picture of the Florida temporary tag off the internet, print it out on your home printer and install it on your car. The tag’s not registered to the car or driver so any tolls will be sent to the person actually registered to the tag.