
What no mention that the van was built on virtually the same platform as the Chevy Celebrity and Pontiac 6000 (and other GM clones) which were themselves based off of the 1980 GM X-cars?? Basically this;

The Big Show model could be the right idea for each county venue. I think you, and Liberty may be thinking the same. Each country makes it the Big Event. The gate improves and the fan base grows. Obviously focusing on the TV package isn’t getting it done.

Like not being designed with closeable water tight sections of the ship....

That’s why Packard wins... A Packard driver (the marque died in ‘56) fought at Normandy or Guadalcanal and he can keep his car running with spit and shoelaces.

These won’t clear my brake rotors....

Cut tires, rim damage, metal debris all over the roads.... reasons.

So he’s a crappy driver. My sister got pulled over for a suspected DUI when stone cold sober. She’s a crappy driver. Write the ticket for THAT.

Yup, I do. See this:

It is a less harsh climate. Less freeze-thaw. It get cold and stays that way. And not nearly as cold as say, Minnesota.

What do you think is under all that asphalt? Standard construction is concrete, asphalt caps get added as the concrete degrades.

Yeah and the US is 40 TONS or 80,000 lbs for a single trailer with 2 axles rather than euro trailer with 3 axles, on each trailer, running tandem trailers for that 40 tonnes or 88,000 lbs. The point loading is much higher on the US roads.

They are both legislated common sense. But the point is about legislative creep not whether or not seatbelts and DUI are OK. The point is you give an inch and the government takes a mile over time.

Article says silicone surface.... sounds slippery to me

Europeans limit their semi truck weights to about 30 tons instead of the US’s 40 tones. Speeds are also lower and semi trailers must have functioning shock absorbers. All this reduces the damage to roads built with 50 mm more concrete than US spec roads. Your car does essentially no damage at all to an interstate

In 1975 you could not start your car without your seatbelts buckled up. Buyers went ape-shit and Congress repealed the legislation.

Examples of the government mandate doing EXACTLY that follow;

Not excessive in an emergency. You won’t just burst into flames at some certain speed value (unless, of course you are part of a movie, then all bets are off, ‘cause Hollywwod can’t do science)


Heck, considering some of the computers used in the nuke system are essentially Commodore 64's, THAT could use some upgrades at the least!

Agree, but its treated much like a “right” in many states.