
If diabetes is the case here, the docs may indeed yank his license until it is under better control. He may be a cheater - candy, alcohol, ect - that refuses to abide by his doctors orders.

“Porsche SUV” this is just WRONG. The two should not be next to one another CP on that alone.

THIS is why I no longer ride motorcycles in Florida. “Episode” or not, this driver should not drive until being carefully evaluated by a doctor. The guy refused treatment because he thinks the doctor will fail him and he will lose his license. Better to take the traffic charge, pay a fine and continue risking other

Sure, its road legal IF he straps a front plate on that thing. No turn signals? hand signals are OK. Doors? optional. Fenders? it kinda has fenders. Windows? we don’t need no steenking WINdows.

Then this:

Grid girls like THIS

Opens the door to really creative marketing...

Cell phone with a streaming music service from Amazon Prime, your own playlist or random shuffle. Listen to what YOU want to listen to without the XM service fee. Audio takes up less data than video by far.

I will accept your premise but ask the question; How could it ever be proven?

RIGHT wing???? In California, more specifically San Franciso? No, this is all left wing, the company and the government backlash.

You use quote marks for a nonsensible statement that no one but yourself actually said....

Logical bananas are best served with ice cream to limit the eschewing but the consistency is won-der-ful with a little chocolate syrup!

RPM is a factor, of course but HP is a function of RPM and torque as I’ve pointed out. Use the diesel as an example. Makes great torque but won’t rev very high because of rotating inertia and the combustion speed of diesel fuel. This means the HP is not particularly high, yet Audi used it to great effect to win LeMans

No misunderstanding. I know exactly how an engine functions. The combusted air and fuel mixture presses down on the piston with a force of Pressure * area = Force. The force is turned into torque by the connecting rod and crankshaft at every rpm. Engines make torque, HP is a calculation of RPM and torque. Torque

You are welcome! Glad to be of service! Need a banana to go with that apple and orange?

Please remember this one fact. No one at the DNC nor close Hillary ties ever claimed those hacked emails were faked.

Scary times... like those times where the media isn’t trusted by the people;

I know very well how that stuff works. HP is a calculation of torque and rpm NOT the other way around.

Honda 2.0 liter S2000 - 153 ft-lbs, 240 HP 9000 rpm redline. Lotsa HP, no torque, feels weak in traffic unless you are on top of the VTEC (over 5500 rpm)

The autonomous cars better be designed to exceed the speed limit, change lanes without signalling, cut across 5 lanes of traffic to exit and accelerate like its Woodward on a Saturday night. In other words drive exactly like every other Michigan driver, not like some speed limit obeying grandma impeding traffic at