Its a big enough deal to get him prosecuted and convicted. I don’t make light of that.
Its a big enough deal to get him prosecuted and convicted. I don’t make light of that.
The director of the FBI laid out the crimes HRC committed and rejected prosecution -not his resposibility- while calling out the gross incompetence which meets the requirements for the prosecution of a crime.
Its just sex, and she had a security clearance. So thats worse than conducting State business from an unsecured server and sending classified emails to people without security clearance?
What did I post that was incorrect?
And Comey said specifically she shared those emails with people without clearance outside of State per the FBIs investigation not to mention the unsecured server which is just as unsecured as file folders at home. So disagree.
Your opinion.
Respectfully no, it wasn’t worse than Hillary’s email scandal. Petraeus shared classified info with a person who at least had a security clearance.
Wow, you seem like some hellava angry bitch-grinch-ass hater here.
Been there had that tried on me. The e-mail from “PayPal” was a phishing scam so I’d click-thru and type in my password. Also had the “I’ll send you a check and them pick it up in 3 days after the check clears” My response is always, Sure, after 10 business days when the check ACTUALLY clears. The money is available…
Ditto, Wes
Like I’d believe any credentials posted on the internet.....
Apparently I HAVE your number based on the knee-jerk, unintelligible rant that contrary to your assertion added nothing to the discussion. I added simply my opinion to an uniformed, unintelligible rant. Often I get better info from light breezes than internet posters. Don’t need help, I can design it, build it, refine…
Go educate yourself before engaging in a discussion about foreign trade (or any trade for that matter) since it seems apparent you know very little about it since neither 1) nor 2) need be the case.
That’s just too stupid for me to reply to. Go have a little kool-aid, some mushrooms and go back into your parents basement.
You don’t have to have all that in this country to successfully export goods. We still do export goods, you know. Cars, construction equipment, material handling equipment and agricultural machines all get built in the US without slave labor or belching factories and sold overseas.
I don’t own a copy of Fight Club, don’t know the reference, you don’t know me and the rest of the rant passes by me without so much as a disturbing breeze.
Yeah, how’d that Crimea thing work out? How’d that Red Line in Syria play? That Iran deal is just doing WONders for their nuke programs. How about the trade deficit with China? Or the fact that we’ve pissed off most of our most ardent allies because Obama doesn’t like the Brits. Ask the Poles how they feel about the…
Need a tissue to wipe those tears away, snowflake??
What do you call a guy who thinks a parts car will solve his problem? Delusional!
I wouldn’t say I am morally opposed to borrowing money. I have been on the car payment/house payment/credit card payment merry go round and I was in a stable career so I thought it OK. Once all but the house was paid off, I can’t describe how good that felt and how much money I had in my pocket. I want everyone to…