We must agree to disagree on the definition of opinion. It is the writer’s opinion that it is “not likely” the Senate will take up the bill based on McConnell’s comments. Not fact, still opinion, albeit an educated one. With the right incentives, McConnell could change his stance. Happens all the time. It is called…
No argument. Some regulation is required. Seat belts were regulated but had been offered as options for decades before they were required. Catalytic converters (invented by GM but the patent rights were freely released to all automakers) were not mandated but they were used because they were effective and they…
I didn’t say the NPR article was untrue, merely not all factual. From NPR;
Can’t say I disagree with your assessment. Congress will not act against their own interests unless We the People insist. Pretty much the same as Bernie putting a Constitutional amendment to repeal Citizen’s United. Both parties benefit from the money that generates so it was just as unlikely. You didn’t see that…
A Hillary supporter lecturing on personal responsibility!? That’s rich! Interesting conclusions about me considering you don’t know the first thing about me. DID I vote for Trump? Do I blame Obama because he’s black or because he’s divisive? Am I black? You don’t know but you concluded nonetheless.
NPR does this as a “fact check” format. This isn’t “fact” checking at all. This is commentary on the ideas as presented. Some of this is opinion dressed up as facts. Pretty typical of most news outlets. Sure Constitutional amendments are hard to pass. Really hard, on purpose, but there may be enough public support for…
The facts say otherwise. He is a billionaire, he does employ tens of thousands of people and his companies are profitable. That is pretty much the definition of “successful.” Sure he’s filed for bankruptcy several times on small portions of his business but he’s made more money than he’s lost. The definition of…
Complicated justification for taxation and regulation, IMHO. Clean exhaust emissions, I am all for.
I didn’t use the term racist, you did. And yes, Obama is partly to blame for the increase racial divide we’ve seen over the last 8 years. And that is EXACTLY how that works honey pie. After all, the same country elected him twice that just elected Trump. If we got more racist over the last, say 4 years since the last…
I didn’t miss the point, the point is not valid. Fuel economy is a sales feature. If Car A is similar to Car B except Car A gets 10% better fuel economy, Car A will make the sale. No regulation need be in place to make ALL of them get better fuel economy, the market will force it. That is the incentive. Better MPG =…
So its all right wing media hype that the muddle class is earning less and their healthcare costs are rising? Its not really happening? Puleeze!
This article is pretty much bullshit. Protests turned violent in Oakland CA, 14 arrests in LA, 30 in New York, and at least one arrest in DC. Violent protests or arrests after the 2008 and 2012 elections by Republican supporters - None.
Just how do you think that is going to happen? What “high crimes and misdemeanors” do you thing he has or will commit? And given Republicans are in majorities in both the House and Senate, just how do you think that vote will go?
Exactly what part of the plan offends you? Term limits? Preventing politicians from being lobbyists for 5 years after leaving office? The middle class tax cut?? The ban on foreign lobbyists from funding our elections? The childcare deduction increases? All looks pretty good to me.
Don’t you mean like a two-fingered bowling ball?
That is complete crap. You have the ability to reduce your fuel consumption simply by buying a high mileage car. The cars are available from all manufacturers. So just go buy one. That will reduce your greenhouse gas emissions as well since they are in direct relation to the amount of fuel burned.
Thanks for sharing these 2 with the Jalopnik world. The show is brilliant, the guys funny as hell!
Except no one will lose any rights, you’ve beleived the bullshit the media has spewed while ignoring Hillary’s faults, crimes complete lack of respect for We the People. I’m a Libertarian so rights are vitally important to me and I don’t want some Dem taking away my rights because they think its good for me or a Repub…