
Hey now, I'm not a poor bastard with my grandmother's hand me down car. It was my mom's...

Looks to me like morse code for 6z or 6b....

That said, eating yogurt with a plastic spoon often hurts the corners of my mouth.

You...have a list of supporters? That's pretty special. This isn't about you and your stupid list either (I'm pro-choice regardless of whether I'm on it). I haven't been suggesting this is about me, I'm suggeting it's about being as inclusive as possible so that the cause gets as much support as possible. How is that

I'm terribly sorry that that happened to your friend. Regardless of whether she could have been more cautious, there is nothing that could remotely excuse that man's crime.

Consent given under the condition that you are paid for you work is still consent. Prostitutes are not incapable of consenting to sex with a client simply because they also expect to be paid for it. There is admittedly an issue to be raised regarding people who feel they have no other option but to resort to sex work

If you wanted it to stop, the simplest thing would be to stop responding with counterarguments. I've only responded when I've seen something in my inbox I felt worth responding to...I'm not just rambling to myself. If people are going to keep challenging what I think is a very straightforward argument for less

How is that the case at all? I am a supporter and I haven't done anything to try to make others feel like their support is not welcome... Do you think someone is going to read my comments and decide "oh this guy doesn't like exclusionary rhetoric, now I don't care about a woman's right to choose anymore"?

I want you to avoid using exclusionary rhetoric like that in the future. I actually thought you were on board for that from your initial responses to me...

That's great, and all, but I thought you "totally want all the supporters there"? If that's the case, it is your problem. I am a supporter, and I won't be there if such exclusionary rhetoric is relied upon. It IS the problem of you as well as every other feminist that other people are sensitive to that sort of

I am a supporter, but I wouldn't feel very welcome at a rally called "Million Woman March". It makes much more sense to bring that up before such an event is planned than after, since that way the name could be changed to something more inclusive. I am proof that you can genuinely be a supporter and still be sensitive

Any hope for a Kotaku/Gawker media app? Seems to me developing a good phone GUI for the site's system would be worth while, and I would really love to have the ability to select which gawker media sites I frequent and have all of those sites' articles on one list (so I don't have to cycle through Gawker, Jez, Kotaku,

I'll take it as a compliment that you think I'm a lawyer, as I suppose that implies I argue well. I'm actually an audio engineer/musician...

Other people disagreeing with me is absolutely not a reason not to bring up my point, in fact it is MORE of a reason to bring up my point. The point of debate is to test ideas, and I welcome the opportunity to defend my point and potentially be proven wrong. If I'm wrong I'd like to know it, and bringing up my opinion

Um, no I am not "purposefully disrupting an otherwise productive conversation". First off, I consider the conversation I've had with some people about this issue productive, even if you don't. It hasn't just been that I've been "respectfully acknowledged", I've been engaged by some people and I appreciate their

Admittedly I have not read this entire thread, but when I first posted most of what I had read was in no way what you would call "brain storming", it was simply people voicing support for the idea of the "million woman march".

I certainly freely acknowledge that women face unfair systemic bias in today's society; we do not live in a post-sexism world. I guess the logical jump I don't totally grasp is why a move to a term like equalism would necessarily mean you don't acknowledge that fact. To me it just means that the scope is wider; rather

No, I don't just want to argue, I want to draw attention to the fact that such language is exclusionary, in the hopes that people might be more mindful of it in the future. I'm guessing from your not giving a fuck that such a reasoned discourse is not possible with you. I never suggested it was about me, in fact I

It stops at consensual relationships between adults.

My ability to recognize that they don't mean to be exclusionary doesn't mean that it doesn't come off that way when I read it. This type of women-only language is used too often among feminists, and even though it's usually in a positive, rallying-call context, when it's read by a male who is not being called to the