
Some articles relating games and drug use, since you said you're interested (google sure is tricky...)

You're really baffling...but I have to ask, what is it you see as contradictory? Yes, some gamers exercise. No, gamers do not exercise more than non-gamers. Yes, some gamers read. No gamers do not read more than non-gamers. On the other hand, gamers are more likely to watch anime, like sci-fi, eat junk food and smoke

Your examples aren't of the same sort because, while someone identifying themselves as a gamer makes them more likely to also be a person that a) watches anime, b) eats junk food and c) smoke pot than if they don't identify as a gamer, someone identifying themselves as a gamer is not more likely to a) exercise b) jerk

Can you be specific about what makes marijuana use less related to video gaming than junk food or anime? It's no more random than talking about any other subculture associated with gaming. A higher percentage of video gamers watch anime than in the general population, just like a higher percentage of video gamers

But the way people will learn to explain it to other people better is to talk about it more openly and often. To say we should wait to talk about it openly until we learn to talk about it in a more productive way is to say we should never talk about it.

The less talk about it, the better.

Because anime (and japanese culture in general) is also covered by Kotaku, as it is seen to fall under gaming culture (the same reasoning for Snacktaku's inclusion). Why do you think you personally need to partake in it for it to be associated/correlated with gaming? I know lots of gamers who don't watch anime, don't

I too have had issues with the concept of pride, but also see the importance, when a specific group or trait has been stigmatized, to go out of your way to create opportunities to fight that stigma. The work of ending homophobia is by no means over, nor is the work of ending racism and sexism, so the associated

Hearing what developers think would be great. Just getting hints of Miyamoto's views on modern feminism was extremely interesting, getting more from game developers on controversial issues like sexuality, gender-roles and drug-use would be more interesting to me than more questions about the role of violence in video

Mentioned it in response to someone else, but incase it was missed: a poll of how often kotaku readers use pot would actually be interesting. Maybe it's just a perceived correlation and drug use among gamers is the same as among non-gamers (but I doubt it).

There is also the related concept of being forced into the closet. To have to actively hide something that is a significant part of your life is far from ideal, hence things like gay pride parades and active efforts to decrease homophobia, so that more gay people will feel comfortable expressing their gayness freely,

I think the (perceived) anonymity of playing a video game online makes a lot of people willing to be open about it when it's something they actively hide in their daily life, hence all the pot related names, logos, chat etc. It can be refreshing to be able to be open about enjoying something when you usually have to

Most of the gamers I know don't eat any sort of stereotypical gaming junkfood, as they are a more crunchy-granola type of gamers, but that doesn't mean I find the "assumption" that there is any kind of relationship between cheetos and junk food annoying, because I'm realistic enough to realize that there are many

Yea, the one I mentioned about smoking every time he played. While the author makes a pretty active effort to not seem judgmental of pot use in general, it still seems like a rather pot-negative story (I really enjoyed in nonetheless).

Yes, but when someones argument is clearly "marjiuana shouldn't be illegal", the response of "but it's illegal" is pretty much completely useless, which is what venku tried to pull.

Well, obviously if Fox News caught wind of it, there'd be the question of whether we should be concerned that playing video games is so highly correlated with marijuana use. I wouldn't necessarily want you guys to champion that cause, but as Xenodile mentions, the supposed correlation with violence and video games

Its an illegal substance. As in possession of it is illegal.

Y'know, I'm surprised there hasn't been more discussion about the relationship between pot and video games on this site. I can understand it might not be considered smart for writers to talk about their own experiences, but in my mind it's pretty much as connected to gaming culture as junk food and anime. The only

I've heard quite a few people talk about how this change will take tons of programming work, but shouldn't it just be as simple as keeping their entire old system and adding some code along the lines of "if online check fails for 24 hours then check disc drive for game, only that game is activated to be playable on

As I said in my previous post, just because you aren't upset by it doesn't mean other people wouldn't be, and even for you it makes you uncomfortable, so it would be much more polite for the person to not openly ogle you. I'm not sure what you're trying to say by he can go right ahead...no one is suggesting it be made