
can’t wait to see all the puns reviewers are going to throw at this movie

destruction was inevitable after all.

i know that dude!

I hope amazon buys my movie viewing experience startup, imagine actors performing in front of you... cuts down on VFX and gives each showing a more personal experience, I call it “Theatr”.

and two of those over who invented humans

it would’t be called a war it would be a “Co-nflict” a revolutionary new form of disagreement... you know... to make the world a better place.

It Wouldn’t Have Been Nearly as Horrifying If This Was the Opening Scene

Spider-Man: Civil Union

Cauc-asian... well they got that wrong they are clearly white

wow that is the funnest town-wide prank ever

Macchiato for Dump Magma!

yeah I feel it’s a weird decision that oddly works even if it was for the wrong reasons

make him do all the roles ala Eddie Murphy

...the babel fish is a dead giveaway. isn’t it?

ohh that’s cool, is that a hobby of yours or a professional thing. I do’t think i could ever do that :/

aren’t they “call outs” not “references”? as in:

i thought he was black*

well men are worried of getting Spacey’d but women are afraid of getting Cosby’d