
“Highway Fox”

...fucking finally... jeez

they’ll just release a logo every year until everyone throws ups

you forgot the math, by the time you are doing the 200th dilution you would need a bottle of water containing the matter of the known universe to have 1 molecule of onion juice


that would have been a doozy

man, they should team up with the Rock to get the name Rampage.

it did, every time the Nun showed they hammered their need to remind everyone how special he was and how it was his destiny. it easy to miss because by that time everyone is asleep in the theater.

I understand the difference, the point you missed about my joke was that a film about equality with a “chosen one” story line is just plain stupid

or double standards about being born rich is bad but being born to fight the rich makes you extra special not like those other poor people

We are talking about the sexposition right?

Ahhh I see you live in Vancouver

was’t that Jack Sparrow doodad?


those were some perfectly good ice cubes and you had to piss all over them... Damn You! *shakes fist into the air*

...probably because Bnet’s technology wasn’t there yet.

the dark wedding.

yeah I get the pocketability and the other factors add up, just that the whole article seemed to be about the controller that was weird to me