
Black Hole Sun the s**t out of it

well you did finish... how can I put it... accurately.

this intro has it all:

deep in your heart you know tachikomas are going to be drones with an AI programed for dead pan humor instead of the arachnid-looking kawaii nerds they really are

it just needs to be OK to beat the average

Funny he mentions, just after he said CGI makes movies worst, that Disney is making the only good big budget movies for the whole family but those movies are... you know... completely CGI.

eh-eh-have this s-star Syntho-*burp*-zoic

they are like Humans but with weird foreheads

“Ph’nglui 2nd mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh $20 wgah’nagl fhtagn.”


some sloppy mattes around here, but pretty cool concept

When he finds his family:

Pixar inherits all the money

WTF is this?... Avant-planking?

wave your hands if you can hear me...