
but horses aren’t dangerous enough... maybe add bears, or sharks... with freaking lasers in their heads...

Also , there like a million other Antipodes spots on earth that would have caused zero suspicion until too late, but they had to choose a big city.

Rian Johnson did something similar with “Brick” where he used weirdly stilized dialogue and slang to create a heightened reality since the budget didn’t allowed to create it by traditional set design and lightning

More like the opposite of a steam sale which are cheap, last only a week and then you don’t play them and forget you even bought them

maybe we are part of a palindromic universe and there will be a point where both universes align and the backwards universe becomes like ours and our becomes backwards

perfectly symmetric violence never solved anything

That’s not Lens Flare it’s John Flarerrison, I Swear!

“We even had people complain about The Walking Dead finale because they mentioned the cost of saving Alexandria, complaining that Now they know that Alexandria didn’t die in the end, and then complain because NOW they knew Alexandria was not a person. “

OK I'll go first:

I like wearables, just think they are in a very weird spot right now (as every piece of tech has been when getting started) since they're not autonomous yet nor people have figured out what they are good at, so right now are just an extension of your phone the same way smartphones and PDAs were an extension of your

Future me: remember when your watch announced that your phone had just received a message?

Uncle Bean

obviously made of light

subtitle: "City of Runners"

it took me several episodes to realize that "on the next episode" was the closing joke and not really a preview and I binge watched it

Only if you find out the length of the lens used in order to compensate for the distortion, the image's metadata doesn't have it though.