Yikes. You're still upset about Quiets clothing? You must be a JOY to go on a road trip with.
Yikes. You're still upset about Quiets clothing? You must be a JOY to go on a road trip with.
This is the most accurate description I’ve heard of Kojima and this site, something about him brings out the defensive weeaboo in people.
“It’s not sexist to have a girl dressed like that! You’d understand the story if you played the game!”
“he’s this site’s Senpai”
And this is how internets are won ladies and gents.
Daario was replaced because the actor left to lead a film, it’s a little different than being replaced because someone else was wanted.
It’s a shame he sees it like that. But then again, Kojima did basically drop out the guy who made the great soundtrack for the first MGS game just to get some medicore hollywood name for it.
“I was kinda hoping that Konami would take me back now that he was gone.”
But you can’t criticise Kojima because he’s this site’s Senpai.
Thanks for the heads-up!
This article is a beautiful story, but it really needs a link to his Pokemon song. Honestly so good.
Back in the good old days, everybody knew that Charizard was the only Pokémon card that really mattered. The…
Veteran Pokémon artist and designer Eric Medalle died Sunday in Seattle when a massive tree collapsed onto his car.…
Bingo. Helps keep the lights on. That being said, if you go to share it, you should get a YouTube link.
Using Flash, no less - that vanguard of modern web technology.
I hear you, but my wife gets very motion sick, so she’d still need to be able to see out of the car clearly in order to maintain her equilibrium, for what that’s worth.
basic process should be the same—but yeah, we need to do a new guide on that!
Depends on if you're using a hosting provider or your own server—if you go through a web host, then you're restricted to what they offer (and of course check your TOS to make sure you can even use it)
As with most things on this side of the technical fence, I'd do what Ars does: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2012/1…
Seeing as how these services go against the TOS for most web hosting plans, it seems like this is something to run on a server at home. What security measures to you propose?