
I like your University

So... We will see popcorn time getting more traction in the future.

That dog in item 6, looks too damn much like my dog. He passed away on january... Damn

I have no idea how much it will cost, in US but I know many Argentine wine that are very good, and costs very little - in the 8US$ price range,here in South America

This is really awesome!

This attributes remind me of Warrior Rogue Mage

Does someone knows if movies run under similar constraints and if there’s anything similar to crunching? The industry I’m in builds larger than life boats and industrial buildings, on schedule, but if we need to postpone inaugural day we just do and it’s considered normal - if not expected.

Just came here to say Contra III Alien Invasion is the best platform shooting game ever. And it also features the coolest car stage, top down view stage and hard (to 9yr old me) bosses

I just want Valve to think about a model where the developers and consumers intersect more. This doesn’t have to be one solution to fit all cases but should be available to whoever owns the game rights to choose. We are going to see in the next months how this is implemented in future games.

R. I. P.

Valve should prize community work, enforce donate buttons - the user uses a mod everyday? Show a pop up on steam asking to donate to that modder, show a message in steam inbox. Want to make a pure selling option? Enforce open source. Modding through close source take away the whole point. Also it should indicate how

Change. Org has a petition to remove this. People should sign.

Gabe is on Reddit

yo, should play The Vanishing of Ethan Carter.

Sony hacks also revealed intent to control the Internet in Brazi, bby the American media company, including killing net Neutrality. I can’t paste the link here in Kinja because it’s blocking somehow, but it’s in the Wikileaks.

Why whatever I comment here in Kotaku is pending forever? And I even use a real person profile. This is just sad. I follow this blog for years and can’t get my comments to be approved, you guys are tougher than Nature editors.

Was expecting the video to open the build and show how is inside, but it doesn’t. There is still a better one to be built

This looks fun, but I hope they make some device to prevent the chair from killing the player - like if the game instruct the chair to roll forever and you can’t get out...

Solar panels and a regular camera would do the trick better.

If you are including Manga, I think 20th Century Boys have a good story even for non Manga lovers.