
Shorter version, if you just want the list of the list of what she says are "Eight things developers can do to make games less shitty for women", paraphrased from my notes... not that a lot of this pertain to action games and probably make more sense if you're thinking about first and third-person shooters, the Arkham

Ya it's fun but, the bigger "real" story with ED is broken promises, unfulfilled kickstarter rewards, broken game, missing features (over half the ships not in game to name just one), multiplayer is a joke and much more. David Braben is quickly becoming Peter Molyneux with his sales pitch and "vision".

This is better than 99% of cartoons that are on TV today.

A) That was extremely funny.

i mean...only half of the movie is Japanese influenced....why on earth would there be japanese imagery?

Alot of people pirate games to get a demo of it, Most game devs these days never have demo's because its been found they hurt sales since people find out its a shit game before forking out money, so they end up not buying it. I usually torrent alot of games first to see if I like them, and if I do I buy them. I don't

If you had no intention of purchasing it then you should not play it. It's that simple. Unless they offer it for free, it is stealing.

You sound like an idiot 10 year old. Fuck off, asshole.

Grow up, you idiot child.

Except you're still stealing something someone else has given up their time and effort to produce in the hope of feeding themselves and their family, you moron.

Keep justifying the theft of luxury goods because, "I'm poor," while the rest of us work for an honest living.

If you want to steal necessities, I'm not about

I've probably spent more on car insurance than most people here. That doesn't give me the right to steal 2 cases of Valvoline motor oil and 10 gallons of gas.

I disagree with your economic stance, but I respect it.

If I produce something, I expect to be paid for it; those who say, "but I cannot afford your leisure product," can get over it.

I draw a hard line between necessities and niceties. If I -want- something, it can wait—if I -need- something, it cannot, and I -will-

I like that you justify, "I steal, but I spend."

Enjoy rectifying that with yourself; and hey, way to slide that wholly insupportable ad hominem at what you presume my entertainment budget to be.

Wholly unsurprising.

I have purchased a few things from EA. I actually -do- understand why some people pirate from them; I cannot do it.

I was raised by two law enforcement officers (one who served in the Military Police for twenty years, and another who was a city officer), so I've got a hard streak when it comes to that kind of behavior

I'll buy one for myself, and one for my wife.

We cannot stop the flood of, "But it was just there for the taking," thinking that encourages this sort of cowardly horseshit, but god damn it, we can do our part.

If everyone else did the same—well, I'm hardly one to go against the, "don't judge me," attitude the current

...but, but it's just a copy!

Right, bro. In an environment where goods are mostly sold as "copies," your "it's not really theft," argument no longer works.

Fuck pirates.

Off to buy The Talos Principle just to support this kind of awesome response to shitty, entitled little assholes right now.

Please don't shoot me, I don't know where the Muffin Man is!! PLEASE!!

Maybe if he bought 99 Nokia phones instead, they could have been... N-Gage'd