...because copying and pasting the link into an e-mail is apparently no longer an option in this age of vile, pervasive social media.
Isn't that a redundancy ("100,000,000 million") in the headline?
Ricky Martin se esconde en un armario y al rato aparece la Khaleesi con los tres dragones y un bote de mermelada...
John Snow se despierta del coma en un hospital. Todo había sido un sueño. Exactamente igual que el final de Doraemon. Ese que nadie ha visto pero que todo el mundo tiene un amigo que tiene un primo que tiene un vecino del 5º que lo ha visto, si, si, ese... pero con bastardos...
And then being taken to court and having to give back the domain and losing money in the process.
DAMN. What a missed opportunity for some good-ole-wholesome cybersquatting.
Real talk I would watch the fuck out of that.
Backwards compatibility is actually a factor me. I was mildly surprised neither MS nor Sony implemented it, considering how huge those libraries are.
Except that the parts on an X-Arcade are horrible and the PCB they use for their controls is known to lag. For just about the same amount of money you can get a custom cab built with actual arcade parts (Happ, IL or even Sanwa) with a better PCB that doesn't had the lag that the X-Arcade does.
Having played the game, I honestly didn't think about Lacey Jonas as Lindsay at all. Even if there's some resemblance, it's just a passing one, which would even hardly count as parody.
It doesn't make sense for chess, either.
You know, I understand the point of having seperate male and female sports when they require physical activity, as there are obvious physical differences that make different categories make sense.