
Um, what? The decision to stop development on the PS5 version was done before Sony objected to the Activision deal. So without any objection, they taught Sony that they would cancel their versions of games. Sony is now trying to keep them from doing that further. 

“If Sony wants this game, they should let Microsoft merge and then deny access to even more games except without anyone looking over their shoulder.”

Wait, are you trying to tell us that PHIL SPENCER MIGHT LIE TO US?

No, you’ll be able to pay it for a subscription fee on GamePass.

This deal was not done to take games away from another playerbase like that,” Spencer said. “Nowhere in the documentation that we put together was: ‘How do we keep other players from playing these games?’ We want more people to be able to play games, not fewer people to be able to go play games.”

Quick correction to this part of the article: “He had reportedly been arrested for these charges and pleaded guilty to two counts in October of that same year.” He pleaded NOT guilty to the two counts. The current version makes things very confusing.

If it works on console, it’s trivial to get the tech working on PC, so a quick spitball idea:

Bring back couch co-op in every game. Stopped buying many of my favorite games after they ditched couch co-op. Just isn’t the same experience playing on separate screens 

I’d honestly respect the lack of couch co-op more if they’d just said that it’s because nobody uses it on PC and left the stupid battle.net thing out.

Okay who wants to start a pool for how long it takes for a couch co-op mod to spring up that supports having multiple Battle.Net accounts signed in at once.

Between spoiling major plot points in titles and setting up strawmans in articles, seems to be a free-for-all. Do better Kotaku. 

Wait, people actually like Akechi? He’s as interesting as a bottle of water.

Wait so randomly shooting out of a moving vehicle in public, because you thought your car got shot (which did they ever find bullet holes?)...Oh after he CUT SOMEONE OFF, constitutes as a reasonable action? nah the dude has no self control or humility to de-escalate the situation with a “I’m sorry wave” to the driver

Or, heaven forbid, vote when they think they’re in the clear to do so.

Fucking Florida...

Seriously, fuck Florida and fuck “Stand Your Ground”. It’s legalized murder, over and over again. 

The world is truly sick. Meanwhile, people go to jail for attempting to have their kids attend a better school than they can afford.

You know it recently came out on current gen platforms right? And like me there are lots of new players enjoying it for the first time.

Royal came out 3 years ago, and the PC version 5 months ago. Still wrong, why should anyone have to play through something with already spoiled stuff? Its age shouldn’t matter

There is that Persona Collaboration Curse going around mobile games.