Just a few years ago, this dude was married to Kim Kardashian, had a bunch of kids, and was hanging out with Jay Z and Beyonce. Now he’s divorced and hanging out with Candice Owens. Life comes at you fast.
Just a few years ago, this dude was married to Kim Kardashian, had a bunch of kids, and was hanging out with Jay Z and Beyonce. Now he’s divorced and hanging out with Candice Owens. Life comes at you fast.
Terrible? That game was a blast and a marvel at the time.
It does not matter what bloggers or fans say. Until he is shunned by his peers and people he “respects” then we are just blowing hot air. As long as people want tracks by him, want to wear his clothes, and dap him up at award shows and take pics, it does not matter.
Lew called Adelstein’s all-in on the turn, for a quarter of a million dollars, despite not even having a pair.
What about massive video ads that have nothing to do with the wiki you’re looking at, links constantly trying to pull you away from that wiki, and horrible formatting do you not like about it!?!?
I automatically click the non-Fandom wiki page if available.
I’m probably not alone in thinking Fandom is the worst wiki site out there. What’s worse is that there are a lot of independent wikis out there that have a competing Fandom wiki. The Fandom ones are usually top on search engine results. :/
I don’t know, if you believe some of the Rings of Power critics, I’d say about 1 billion of those minutes were just watching to prove how much it sucks. One of the greys here considers it his solemn duty to watch it every week just to point out how much money Amazon spent whilst not hiring any horses. Week after week…
It’s funny that the prequels to the two most popular fantasy franchises came out at roughly the same time and both enraged racists by casting black people.
Maybe I’m jut incredibly cynical about human nature but... how were people not assuming that cheating was rife on Chess.com or any form of non “over the board” play anyway?
I mostly play single player games which means I am a patient gamer. I will wait for sales. Been doing it for decades now. Why pay full price now, when you can pay half price a year later? No rush.
Nude chess, with all buttholes gaped open, is the only solution here.
Unlike me. I’m a great loser. I lose even when people think “there’s no way for this guy to lose in this situation”.
Youtube is 70/30 for everyone.
Youtube = 70/30 period
Sure Moore’s Law is dead. Does that mean that it’s impossible to engineer a better card that costs the same as the previous generation did a couple of years ago? Hell no it doesn’t.
Deplatforming works
“If you don’t like it, don’t watch it.”