I don’t care about this game, but this is the shit we’re talking about when we complain about always-online requirements that stans always handwave away with trite lines like “you’re always connected to the internet anyway.”
I’m no fan of EA either but I’m honestly feeling Square is worse at this point. If it’s not a big mainline title like Final Fantasy, Square won’t even support it through marketing before it murders it for not reaching their impossible expectations. EA will atleast somewhat try to market their games before…
I’m just going to put this out there, Square are not a good publisher. They really cannibalise their studios and have unrealistic performance expectations. They really don’t support their teams and with the exception of a handful of games they don’t seem to care about properties.
“Everyone in Jin’s world is beautiful, but no one is horny.”
I rather enjoyed GoT but to each their own.
What do you have against a tax payer funded relic that serves virtually no purpose in modern society?
Fuck the monarchy.
Yeah that’s a bit of a stretch...
Damn I didn’t realize it was that close. The way he waves his Dick around you’d think he won it 70/30 or something.
Ahhh, toll roads. The privatization of transportation corridors would never be misused against the public, or against minorities of that public, would it?
1 whole month? Big deal.
Yes, let’s come up with new DRM five years into a console’s lifecycle, without any involvement from Nintendo, intended to run on a console which already has optimization problems. I’m sure you’ll see a tremendous return on that investment.
Welcome to the old people who still game club Patricia, things we once would have liked are now just annoying and cringy. Please accept this gift basket of Biofreeze and Bengay for your morning aches and pains for being part of the club.
Whelp, I made it. I’m officially too old to understand what the fuck is going on any more.
Yeah, unfortunately, no matter where they go from here, people are always gonna come back to “Great! Now what about the stuff I already paid for?”, and honestly, they have a point.
So can we have the content we paid for & got removed back?