
All someone needs to do is change the H to a T.

I think he fooled you and now you’re backtracking.....

I read a really funny comment once (unfortunately, I do not remember the name of the commenter) who claimed that he was Jewish and uncomfortable with the term “PC Master Race” and thought we should instead use the term “the Chosen Gamers.”

i assum this to be a intentional joke


Of all the characters they could use to demonstrate this feature.....

You don’t have to be a game developer to know what beta means.

Not even neko atsume can cheer this meme up.

I play a ton of Fiora going back to when she was released and I have to say, this looks like garbage. I have no qualms with how they’ve changed her sexiness or made her look “middle-aged” (her base skin just wasn’t sexy, unless you’re into armor), but what I DO have a problem with is that she just looks... lame... not

My issue with the aesthetics of any game models the idea that we have paid for these skins. We dropped money down for how they looked. Then they go and change the artwork and the entire model on whim. For what reason exactly? She didn’t look outdated, and she even recently got a texture revamp.

While I never been on reddit, on the LoL boards, everybody cracks wise that this looks like Micheal Jackson. As a Fiora main, I have to agree with them. This VU makes me want a refund on the skin.

I think you just can’t handle people having a laugh.

What site?

The Sharknado of gaming.

You bring in a doctor’s note or prescription. Which means that just about every player who is currently using it is going to show up with a doctor’s note at their test. Getting an Adderall prescription is apparently one of the easiest prescriptions you can get.

His videos aren’t my style, but he’s still super interesting.

Well that was nice that the guy got such a huge boost in sales. Too bad this will likely be drowned out by people who have to rage at the very mention of PewDiePie.

Says the guy who’s on a video game website that commonly talks about what games you should or shouldn’t be playing.