Can we just get this put as the TL;DR wrap up for season 2?
Can we just get this put as the TL;DR wrap up for season 2?
Muramasa debuted on the Wii. The Vita version is just a port.
You still pretty much won anyway. I mean I resized it and posted it. >.>
“I shall name him Ba-Ken, as he is found everywhere and many people are already sick of him.”
Ba-Ken... God. Dammit. Why didn’t I catch that before?!
It’s the real winner, Kotaku just too scared to make it the winner.
Because the wall is waaaay bigger than the titans. They are doing whatever they want in the live-action, as per usual.
The walls have been there for a long-ass time, so most people don’t even know when or how they were built. It’s later on explained in the manga, though.
I do!
you really need to finish Sword Art Online. the second season was so fucking good.
If you’ve been together for a while already AND there’s a viable ending in sight - a point when you’ll stop being long-distance, then it can definitely work. Don’t think it can otherwise.
I was hoping that when the summer vacation started it would be different, but during the last month she’s been to parties, a week-end trip with her old school friends and their plus-ones, but she has explicitly chosen to go solo to all of these.
I dunno, maybe I’ve just somehow managed to accumulate enough ‘things’ because I honestly didn’t really see anything that was exciting enough to purchase. I almost got a Logitech mouse because my last one finally bit the bullet and I’m using the crappy mouse that came with my PC (Logitech mice really are amazing), but…
I dunno, maybe I’ve just somehow managed to accumulate enough ‘things’ because I honestly didn’t really see anything…
Not to be a party pooper or anything, but I confess I was hoping for serious discounts on books and movies, not electronic hardware or vacuum cleaners or baby wipes or even an “electric milk frother.”
What the heck is a “milk frother”? :)
Not to be a party pooper or anything, but I confess I was hoping for serious discounts on books and movies, not…
“Playing as him started to feel uncomfortable so far into the series as a result. But that’s the whole point. It’s supposed to offend you, leave you feeling like someone or something less-than-noble.”
Can anyone confirm for me that they ever felt like this playing the game?
I can’t say I felt anything other than humour…
Of course it's not the film industry, that's his point: it's an analogy & an apt one at that. Stop being pedantic.
“And, hey, you could certainly argue that placing “A Hideo Kojima Game” on top of a title does something a disservice to all the other designers, programmers, producers, artists, sound designers, QA testers, and other developers who dedicated countless hours to the fifth (and presumably final) Metal Gear Solid.”