That’s... kind of what betas are for. That’s why it’s a beta, not a demo.
That’s... kind of what betas are for. That’s why it’s a beta, not a demo.
So, you think they should close Comcept’s doors and lose most of their staff during debugging on Mighty No9?
Because they're in debugging now and they want to keep their staff employed and busy.
Why? Mighty No 9 is a couple months from release. Why should the use of kickstarter demand a lull in their production?
What do you mean? I didn’t back Mighty No.9 so I haven’t played any of the pre release stuff but still, is it really fair to judge it until the actual final game ships?
They’re calling the animated film an alternate reality, but it’s clearly meant to be a prequel. Something happens that makes her skin ashen, tears off beck’s arm, and tears of Tyger’s legs.
Okay, cynical!
Disappointing that they aren’t targeting any consoles or handhelds at this point, but I still wish them the best of luck. I’ll be taking a wait-and-see approach until they do.
Awkward Zombie’s Roy series has been absolutely fantastic.
No no, they have a point.
Atfter playing Borderlands 2 through at least ten times, no, the jokes are still funny.
If it was a dynamic system that reacted to your performance and made light of the fact that you’re running this damned Strike for the fiftieth time? Yes.
To play devil’s advocate, would hearing the same jokes while you play those same missions over and over again really be better?
If bungie were smart, they would have realized that the constant replaying of missions would get monotonous and would have had a kindof dynamic commentary system where ghost would make jokes and say different things on different playthroughs. That alone would help alleviate some f the boredom.
Nah, I think Randy Pitchford’s tweet about Battleborn has these guys beat.