
Are people still using the nationalistic pride argument? The fact that iPhones, Samsungs are popular in Japan makes this point moot

Japan: Is it made by a Japanese company?


I thought the show was mediocre at best, but then the ending hit and I was disgusted that I had wasted my time with the show in the first place.

They blur the lines between good and evil.

Prepare to blast off!

“ I felt as though I needed to protect everyone there and needed to have the proper gear to do so.”

They ordered to go.

None of the imagery goes with the implications though.

First time entering, this idea came to me pretty quick.. let’s all remember that for a pretty bad game, Brink had some really nice art (Feat. Robin’s staff from Arkham Knight)


New recruit!

“Hey guys, can I join?”


That black people are black (or various shades of brown) is not a stereotype. >.>

It’s a -black- materia. Everyone else in the party is white. Who should hold the -black- materia?

I think the scale is what’s getting to me. Put Mario in a space that seems a bit too big for him (kinda like the first environment), and it works pretty well. Put him in a normal human sized environment or, heaven forbid, one that’s too small like that second castle environment, and it gets weird in a hurry. His

Normally, I’m not a big fan of touch screen interfaces. I’m willing to make an exception here.


I’ve played this game already.

I understand your placement of the tiles in this design, Microsoft.