
Fucking shit up = good.

Just because YOU did not ask for them does not mean that some people did not ask for them.

I’ve been wanting Roy back since he wasn’t in Brawl. Ryu is a little out of left field but I’m a big SF fan so I’m pretty excited about him as well. Damn that Nintendo, supporting their games with affordable content post release!

Lot’s of accidental reveals this E3....

Hey guys! Remember when people liked surprises and news/blog sites didn’t shove leaks down your throat!? Me neither! I was looking forward to tomorrow’s Smash presentation, but every fucking website on the internet decided to spoil the surprise by covering the leak. Now tomorrow is ruined. I know some people don’t

They can’t add her without pushing the game's rating to M.


Ryu for the Wii U.


Man, these FNAF spin-offs are getting out of hand...

“It comes across as cruise control for “edginess.”” This is grossely wrong, sorry but the game portrays a world at a time in which women had little rights. It would be ridiculous to give them the rights they have in modern society. Seriously, would you have history books chaged because women’s right were violated in

“Geralt isn’t at all sexy” is a subjective statement. It’s your opinion.

Uhm, had you invested slightly in the background, you’d know that both Triss and Yennefer are quite a bit older then him. They use magic to keep their looks. In the books it’s stated that wizards and sorceresses are functionally immortal, due to their magic. Young for a sorcerer is about a hundred years, and neither

Nexon isn’t a small mobile gaming company. Nexon is the equivalent of EA for free-to-play games on the PC. It popularized the free-to-model globally during a time when developers kept trying to make a WoW killer.

Yeah, because Nintendo doesn’t have one of the most famous, badass lead female characters in gaming in their stable. And they didn’t create her 20 years before being hyper PC and liberal about everything became cool.

How is it “progressive”? Link is the main character in the series, there is no NEED to make a female link. I love how you people use the term “progressive” as if your ideals are just SO ahead of everything. Make a game where you play as zelda if anything, Link is link, there is no need to make him a female... period.

Kudos on the craftsmanship, but this is pretty disturbing.

just in case anybody is curious. she’s not only holding the blade with that cloth to prevent herself from getting cut (katanas are really sharp) but also because if you touch the blade of a katana with your bare skin it’ll actually start rusting simply from the contact because katanas are made with alot of carbon.

You know, at DeviantArt, this is considered tame (and sensible!)

This is like adding Garry’s Mod to an anime setting. And pantsu.