
Hmm, don’t see how that is trolling material.

It’s not about boundaries. I’ve never known Louis CK or George Carlin to punch down and make tasteless, unfunny jokes at the expense of marginalized groups of people. The taboos they break are stupid ones that serve propriety and power. Louis, in particular, wrote a whole segment of his TV show interrogating and

I thought I might get a mention with Fahey favoriting mine, but there were so many good ones, I can’t say I am surprised that I didn’t make it.

Telling us she’s your sister only makes it funnier/worse.

Gamergatedmanfortress, is that you?

Probably because every damn backroad in the game loinking two towns was a damn casrbon copy of each other. Reusing of assets is what completely turned me off from Xillia 2. I had enough with Xillia 1.

Back on Phantasy Star Online days typing wasn’t an issue for those of us who had one of these, those dirty scum peasants who couldn’t type with their controllers stood no chance to our witty snappy banter!

Breaking news: leaked photo of the full cast of Final Fantasy 15!

Somewhere in their legal department lie the bodies of several interns who failed to memorize this title.

Clicks, clicks are the big deal here.

This thing would have come and gun if not for the sensationalist media. Which is quite funny in my opinion because it is a perfect example on how media can escalate situations through sensationalism.

You know, this game isn’t half as violent as I was expecting it to be.
It’s kinda really tame compared to other games *scratches head*

Chances are, this is merely an oversight by the designers, though also it’s possible they’re pandering to their likely player base.

Does it matter, though? I mean, you’re a kid now, but before you know it? BAM! You’re a squid now! You’re a kid, you’re a squid, you’re a kid you’re a squidyou’reakidyou’reasquidkidsquidkidsquidkidsquid

what a weird thing to write an article about. only reason it does not default to one or the other is because of the way the menu is.

It’s hard because a bunch of old white guys who don’t play games are all sitting at the top and have opinions of what the industry looks like and then they do very biased focus testing to prove themselves right.

Really, Patrick. So why is the girl listed first then? (we read from left to right)

It’s amazing how someone will find the smallest detail to complain about.

It’s retractable. And has wireless capabilities.