
There’s another game coming out the same day as Splatoon.

I definitely do not have an obsession.. >.<

I drew this about a week ago. I tweeted it to Hideki Naganuma (of Jet Set Radio fame) and he loved it. Made my day. Apparently he’s really into Splatoon, which makes sense.

Believe in the me that believes in you! You’ll make that jump!

You can make that jump, Richard. I believe in you. Fly like no one has ever flown before.

reading this was... uncomfortable lol

Oh my fucking god, are you seriously bringing that stupid uncut vs cut debate to Kotaku? Fuck the racist trolls and the idiot burners, we need you nuked from orbit now.

I stopped reading after you said the foreskin helps keep things clean. Circumcised penises are cleaner because the foreskin traps all the dirt, oil, secretions, etc. Of course, it’s not like you can’t keep an uncircumcised penis clean, but it takes more work.

Wait, you think that Nintendo gets criticized less?

What makes you think I’m giving it a pass because it’s Nintendo? I don’t really care who made it. I care that it felt good to play, so much so that the other stuff seems like minor annoyances. But I do recognize in the review that others might not feel the same way!


Here’s one for this specific crowd: Fahey Fantasy


There sure is another F word that comes first in mind though...

Simply put. His dad cutting him off for what amounts to at MOST losing a weekend (I looked up when the tournament was since my last post, its June 5th~7th) of his time seems to be strongly overreacting.

yeah but also unlike secondary schooling, this was a one time event. It would happen and then life would go back to normal regardless of outcome.

One weekend at a tournament isn’t going to hurt his schooling.

My grandpa did this to my mom back after she graduated HS in the early 70s. Apparently she had a scholarship to an acting/performance school in NYC. He told her she could go, but that he’d only pay for her bus ride and after that she was cut off.

Man... I wouldn’t be where I am today if my parents weren’t supportive of my hobbies and goals. I seriously feel bad for people who’s parents try to keep them inside a bubble, or try to manipulate them by threatening to cut them off. That’s terrible.

Looks horrible too.