
Nah, I’m with SonofSisyphus. You’re making a lot of generalisations and shaming of people who are already vulnerable and insecure. One virgin dude was a douche, let’s not tar everyone.

What qualifies you to answer question like this?

“in the I want to get laid way, not an affair”

Give me space cadet pinball any day.

First time I get to use this in response.

Because that’s just like, your opinion man.

we’re not gawker though. I knowKotaku is a “part” of the Gawker family, but good God, please don’t lump us in with those people.

It’s pretty simple.

Ok, let’s be fair - we don’t KNOW that for sure. For all we know, ‘Jonathan’ was a time-traveler from a dystopian future ravaged by war who was sent back in time to stop the only known central cause of the conflict: the epic release of 2Awesome’s 3rd game “Hypnodrome” which caused mass hysteria and insanity in half of


I’m a viewer, I’m not loving the comic. As for this comic outselling the others, while I know you won’t listen, it has to do with how much fucking marketing has gone into this. Want to know the last time sales were higher, It was when he came back from the dead, another super hyped event. And I would also like to

His comment literally explains why he claims it is bad writing.

I believe Nintendo of Japan makes the decision for almost everything. It’s no fault of Reggie’s but rather the fault of a conservative company named Nintendo.

If you show that scene to a large number of people, I’m pretty sure someone will have this reaction

No, I’m merely noting this shit always plays out as a lose/lose situation.

Yes, two male protagonists that shared the same exact skeleton model and animations.

Ugh, the whole female assassin controversy is so wall-bangingly stupid. Female playable characters weren't cut, they were never on the table, because Unity has only one playable character like every AC.

Just what pre-orders deserve.

I’d leave a snarky comment, but it would take too much time to think one up and I’d rather go back to playing the demo. Because DAMN this is fun.

Pre-order bonuses in general are dumb, but this is just classic out of touch Nintendo.