
Wasn’t it goatse.cx, though?

This is worth it for the goat.se reference alone. GoatZ... GET IT!

This is meaningless PR. Let me rephrase what the devs did so you might understand what I mean. Let’s say you run a club and as you’re going to your office one day you find someone has broken into your office and has been using your office supplies. What the devs did is the equivalent of through all the supplies used

Um, what? You are saying Kotaku threatening to dox you is a GOOD thing? No, no it isn’t. Not at all. Not for just some stupid online quiz.

What you see:

Ah that scene in HenNeko was so funny.

Japanese corporations have a hard time dealing with change due to the way corporate culture works there. Everything has to go through layers upon layers of corporate hierarchy in order to be green lit.

He has become one with the Hill, Konami has become his Hill.

My thoughts in a nutshell.

I’d like to know too... so I can have them fix the capitalization.

but get a life.

At least someone’s having fun in GW2.

As someone who worked on that side of things for a stretch, I can see the good and bad in this. It could be a deterrent because it publicly shows that cheaters WILL lose all their ill-gotten goods. Bad because some cheaters do so for the lulz & infamy, and what would be more infamous than being ‘caught’ and publicized

B-b-but... my Health Ed teachers and “special sex experts” in school said that condoms have a 1-in-5 chance of failures and that the safest sex is no sex at all! And having sex and breaking up with someone will make them crazy and try to kill you!

WW just isn’t as popular, she’s in “The Big 3” by default but Green Lantern has long been the more successful comic character even moreso than Superman(IDK how Flash and Arrow are doing in the comics world post CW success) . Most of the people who popoff about WW don’t even buy/read the comics she’s in which I think

Maybe he’s trying to make a joke about rubber-banding.

Is this supposed to be erotic? Dammit internet!