
Remind me again why we should go completely digital with our games?

Probably because my posts are whiny but relevant while your posts are just whiny.

I’m just happy Stevie Wonder was able to see it.

If you flip Feldman and Clements’ scores for Mayweather, it’s obvious that he also did 911.

Thanks for this comment, Arden. I agree and will leave this here for any game devs who might be reading:

So the end of this is “be nicer about buggy games” and not “don’t implement business practices that will ruin the health of your employees”? If I liked to see people destroy their bodies for my entertainment, I’d be reading Deadspin.

I’ve been to the US recently and saw a huge billboard for this product... “Suja” means “dirty” in portuguese. And not in a “sexy” way. It’s dirty like something that came from the sewer.

This one has been on the Internet for forever and a half, but still makes me chuckle when I see it.

not as weird as the other ones, but this always made me giggle

Didn’t see it already. It just seems like an obvious joke. A new plaque for the wall.

I would actually quite like this.

Because you know someone would buy it.

How Disney might treat the Extended Universe: a quick and dirty rendition.

Need a spare hand?

They couldn’t do The Killing Joke. All of the SJW’s would cry havoc.

Review of this weeks offerings of the “BEST WEBCOMICS:”