
nah I know full well you’re being a sarcastic asshole, but presenting actual evidence pisses you off every time and it’s entertaining to watch you throw a hissy fit over being wrong :P

Yeah, and we all assumed it was GamerGate that sent the bomb threat to Anita’s conference despite the fact that there was no evidence. Be consistent with your arguments if you want to be taken seriously.

There’s about as much evidence of it as there is evidence that the people who harass feminists represent Gamergate.

In other words, there is as much evidence as there are people who throw claims and accusations around. Real ‘evidence’ has very little to do with these situations.

There’s been zero evidence connecting Gamergate to any of the threats that Wu or Sarkeesian have claimed to have encountered, yet it hasn’t stopped you or anyone on Kotaku from just buying into them.

Well, it’s along the same lines of Anita Sarkesteen claiming bomb threats, but no evidence of that either. Works both ways, y’see.

I think that “authoritarian feminism,” or “third-wave feminism” if you want to group the movement chronologically, is the preferred term. There are plenty of GamerGate supporters who consider themselves liberal.

Both sides are hateful moronic movements that exist solely to circlejerk each other to feel morally superior whilst accomplishing fuck all. You can take this article as an example.

I’m guessing because you lack any shred of empathy. Milo, Lizzy, and several others are good people, dismissing threats made against them is just as bad as dismissing threats made against Sarkeesian and others not in GG.

Crippling eSports injuries compacted by sponsorship obligations.



Wait. It’s not real?

That's not the same thing at all.

She sounds like a snitch. You should have stabbed her.

Where’s my money? :/

Or he’s a medical professional that alerady is quite eccentric and being associated with videogames could hurt his reputation further.

This is an Italian man suing a Japanese company.

Yoga pants of the future, mate! Yoga pants of the future... (women say they are comfortable)

I think there are too great costs for a too small market.

Doubt it was much better in the 80s. When people had to hand draw everything. Pretty sure that was some slave labor shit.