If you want to release a full game on your own framework or a licensed engine, okay. If you’re making content for a game, that’s “fan content.” That needs to be free.
Otherwise you’re just an indie developer, and that’s different than a modder. The people that want paid for their work need to make their own games, not…
People whining like this took away some potential great system are kind of hypocritical.
I think Angry Irishman was not talking about pre-paying for mods, but rather, mods that are made soon after a game is released and immediately break when a patch is released. If you paid $20 for that mod and the creator has no plans to fix it, it’s now completely unusable, and theoretically no other volunteers could…
Really? I don’t work in the games industry but as a freelance artist I can feel nothing but disgust that Valve thought giving the modders only 25% of the income was good enough. I would not ever use a service that took that much of a cut out of the income on my work.
No one said they should never be compensated, just not the way Valve wanted to implement it. Knowing that the lion’s share was going to Valve for literally doing nothing left a sour taste in my mouth. Put a donate button and ensure that a lot more goes to the mod creator will make me feel better for starters.
Too bad, you would be so proud of me.
My personal favorite:
i have no fear of making the “yeah, but video games aren’t sports” argument, but since ESPN devotes air time to poker, competitive eating and scrabble...i’m gonna leave that particular bullet in the chamber.
They paid a LOT. Every break is showing commercials for Hearthstone and (hilariously) Heroes of the Storm too.
If the 4 player co-op campaign rumors are true then this should be a fun one.
So you didn’t see any black ops going on? Hmmm I wonder why?
On the gamers side, they have to pay money for something they’ve been receiving for free. And on the modders side, they get a 25% cut, which is most likely not enough for them to “Stop working at Waffle House” and pursue game development. I’m sure IceFrog didn’t get a 25% cut when Dota 2 was absorbed by valve. This…
Gabe did respond in regards to people jacking content from Nexus and throwing it on steam illegitimately, which is semi on the same lines:
None of these responses address the real issue undercutting this program. Modders should absolutely be able to earn money from their mods—but a 30% cut to Valve and 45% to the publisher? Leaving just 25% for the modder and a $400 bar to clear in sales to even get a check cut? That’s ridiculous and nothing close to…