
Early mock up of the sponsor shirt design.

brb getting good at Smash Bros for a sponsorship.

Wait, hold up, I thought the competitive Smash scene was the villain of Smash Bros.

You think that’s bad....


But shit-talking is the best part of multiplayer.

“The gaming community exploded in chaos when it was finally unveiled by Konami that game designer Hideo Kojima had actually infused his conscience with his Fox Engine© computer game development software. Kojima himself stated in a digitized voice “I have always poured my heart and soul into my games, now when people

You can see, in the video where Sakurai receives his award, how he is also offered a baby to absorb life energy from in order to keep his youth

The best part of the reveal was how awkward the trio acted with each other. I guess this is why Bungie doesn’t like matchmaking for Raids.

It can’t. Speed Racer is the absolute most perfect translation of an anime to live action ever.

Of course since its put into this perspective its alright to slaughter random people that are doing nothing. But when Hatred has a dude just exercising his American freedoms and saying what he wants then killing from a TOP VIEW not even first person everyone goes crazy. /LOGIC

So this is okay because the character doesn’t have long hair and a trench coat. How hypocritical.

It would be nice if the groundhog game were about personal development like, you know, the movie.

Que controversy in 3...2...1...

Even if you murder the entire town? Where is my moral justice and outrage?!

Ever played Smash Bros and had to go through all the shit to unlock your favorite character?

Completely called this on a different Kotaku article over 2 months ago. Bwahaha.

That would be fine for casual players, but a nightmare at tournaments.

I guess you could say it's a popularity contest. But lets face facts here:
The reason the Lin Kuei are have so many members is because they're so...

I think Suna should get back to practising Karuta.