
Long ago I used to play Yahoo Chess using Chessmaster. Naturally I rose to the top the ranks, but one day someone beat me. I congratulated him on beating Chessmaster. He said he was also using Chessmaster, but had a newer version than me. I’m not sure what the moral of that story was.

I guess he must have...checked too often.

Umm... you do realize what the the “ma” in “mma” stands for, right? I mean, I don’t want to be the only person pointing out the obvious here, but...

Spitting image? no. But i wouldn’t be surprised if her and a few other hundred images of other fighters were used as a point of reference to create Cassy Cage.

That does sound better, but this whole thing seems like making a problem out of nothing. The whole Gawker blogoshphere excels at that, controversy increases ad revenue after all, but this instance isn’t as bad as other blogs within this blog family.

Alternately: Destiny, a game designed from the ground up around crushing your hopes, reaches a new zenith/nadir.

I spent $90 on this goddamn game. The product I received wasn’t even worth as much as I’ve paid for Warframe, which does almost everything Destiny tries to do, but with more success and more style.

Alt lede: The new expansion pack for Destiny, a video game whose existence is only justified by its raids, won’t have a raid.

Speaking as someone who gave up on Destiny before the “raids” even became a thing, and only came back for the hour and a half if took him to complete the Expansion 1 content, I just have to say...

you’re in a losing battle... these people you’re replying to can’t tell the difference between Japan and Japan behind their hentai/eroge/JAV-tinted glasses.

Never judge a country by its porn.

Let’s go through this again:

There is a lot of hypocrisy in the Japanese games market these days. A lot of Japan-only Vita titles contain extremely sexualised images and are given the equivalent of a 15 age rating.

Rapelay was eroge, The Order wasn’t although ironically The Order did turn out to be a load of balls.



- Maya Angelou