
Did you say almost overpowered? By the end of the game you are a god who can kill the final boss in seconds. crissaegrim is probably one of the most game breaking weapons in gaming history lol.

Hair is a dead giveaway.

2015 release lol

Exactly you can see how the characters react to her as she becomes more confident in herself and starts putting effort into how she presents herself in the latter half. They even openly admit she was attractive before she became a NEET. Her problem is her unkept look not that she is ugly.

Just curious but wasn’t a link between worlds the newest one?

Evolve is old at If I’m remembering correctly. Is it releasing on steam or something?

Why? It still takes time for her to recover doesn’t it? I don’t have a wiki in me rn.

ah okay didnt know you meant third season. I dont think it will get another one because the author got in trouble for tax evasion or something like that if Im remembering correctly. Personally I wasnt really a fan of Log Horizons economic and political take on the genre. More of a fan of Sword Art Online and Grimgar

Ah okay saw you talking about phantom dust on a hatsune miku page and was incredibly confused. Commenting on the wrong post happened to me once also lol.

Your auto greyed until the Kotaku overlords deem you worthy of ungreying. Your best hope is to make a clever comment and hope a non grey member stars you potentially allowing a writer to see you and give you non grey status or beg to be ungreyed.

Log horizon did get season 2 and it was considerably worse than S1. Re zero is fairly new so I’m doubtful it won’t get a season 2.

thanks I knew it was an older scenario in Detroit but thought they just were showing the full rundown of how it could have happened which is why I called it new. Didn’t realize the entirety of it was old. I understand that they dont want to announce new games with E3 2018 just around the corner but the lack of new

Why voldo is the ultimate troll character.

Totally agree it was easy but let’s wait till it’s out and we have access to harder monsters before making that judgement call.

Im not usually one to complain but that was just plain bad. literally no new footage was shown aside from dreams, medevil remake, and detroit. Having the Gameawards on the same week really sucked all the wind out of Sony’s sails. Even the death stranding trailer was the same thing that was showed a few nights prior.

what is the manga on the left?

Graces F being my favorite game in the series I’m somewhat triggered lol

“aha this is our chance!”

cosplay of zero suit samus from metroid series. This color variation is in the newest smash.

Interesting behind the scenes look