
Kinda wish they would make a new 3ds game I always loved that style over Project Diva.

I think it was more the obscurity of referencing Turok as an influence. The ... or ellipses were used to emphasize the point.

This is really just an elaborate plan to get a rough timeline of when all the Kinja members were born. I’m onto you Gita.

As another commentor pointed out I don’t really find these pictures to be sexualized at all. The only one I feel you could claim that was the one where the girl was naked but even then she isn’t really doing a provocative pose. maybe I’m just not seeing it.

Never grinded in FF13 until the post game? was there a certain boss you were stuck on?

I made the same mistake my first time playing DarkSouls lol. I didnt realize that you were supposed to run away from the first boss. I was hacking away at that thing for hours until eventually my dagger loss all its durability.

lmao....even if it turns out to be true that dosen’t spell good PR

Someone explain the appeal of this to me. I just really don’t get it. Is the button something you just push and it will auto place orders for whatever is on the button? Essentially why pay more for this thing Vs. just going onto amazon or using the app to order it.

Someone explain the appeal of this to me. I just really don’t get it. Is the button something you just push and it

Jason you’re dreaming if you somehow think that Nintendo will allow you to have all your wii u/3ds virtual console games for free. They had an upgrade for a fee approach with the last system and I don’t see that changing. As much as some people will hate to admit it only a few NES, SNES games have universal appeal and

She is a squid herself and she threw the squid item that inks other people’s screen. She was battling her conscience the next day.

Is there a release date for the next season of code Geass?

It was fast racing Neo. Theyre dubbing it Fast RMX

It was number 5

It was Disgea 5

Not gonna lie was kinda disappointed especially Mario not being launch. Aside from Breath of the Wild the launch isn’t looking particularly interesting. I also feel 300 is a tad to high, if it was at 250 it would probably be flying off the shelves.

Gotta be honest I love this decision. The character in X is a mute with no personality. With an actual character the story can take the front seat like it did in Chronicles 1.

-The story is bad and has very little focus.

There is, downloading now!

Exactly I have loved every tales game since Symphonia even the more debatable ones such as Graces F and Symphonia II but this one I cant even stand playing. so much is wrong with it especially the camera.