
No worries understood what you meant. Thanks for the detailed explanation. It was driving me crazy how people were referencing the joke a good portion of last year and I had no idea where it originally came from.

Can someone explain to me the origin of the “jason delaying games” joke?

I thought it was pretty good save for the endless 8 arc, fuck that part.

Kinda a tossup but I would side with people and say 3 is slightly better.

As much as I love Rachet and think he deserves a spot on the list number 2 or 3 are significantly better than the first.

Jak II was kickass. What threw you off about it the difficulty/cheapness?

Is this game super intensive on computers. Couldn’t run it on my laptop during closed beta. I can run something like Overwatch and most newer games on low settings.

Champions return to arms is easily in my top 10 list of games. Better then the first in every way except the story (which I didn’t even care about tbh).

she publicly trashed the show should not be surprising lol

Free forever. This is not really a deal TellTale always makes the first episode free after a period of time.

Glad they added Turok mode

lol I love this account

pretty sure it was a joke about Donald Trump

where is this meme from? and is the show any good.

Thank you had to google to see how you get the game for free until I had realized that it was the try over the weekend thing.

Sadly it probably wont ever happen

I’d personally like to thank the Kotaku staff for being badasses and organizing the games by platform. I also love how you guys include the videos so we can get an idea of what the game is like. You guys’s list is miles better than other sites such as IGN and even the playstation blog’s official list.

When you see he isnt working on Eva 4.0

That was hillarious thanks for making my day.

They would see a massive drop in subscribers if they dropped ps3 and vita support. There are a lot of people like me who have a vita and ps3 but not ps4. Why would we still keep our subscriptions if we arent getting any free games and the online play is free?