
Graces defenitely had the best combat. All the characters were balanced and fun to play. Unlike Xillia which gave heavy favoritsim to Milla and Jude. Seems as if Xillia 2 will favor the main character even more.

Xillia 1 had a digital release so it's safe to assume this one will.

Milla right?

The original symbol said Atlas. Someone photoshoped it into Atlus to be funny. Shane probably found the image funny and decided to go with it.

4 controller slots.

The Gamecube adapter was made specefically for the Competitive smash scene. They dont like wireless stuff because it has a chance of messing up (running out of batteries, bad signal, ect).Hence why the adapter is wired. Theoretically a wavebird might work if you put it in there (can't confirm that theory).


That last one was gold XD

why would you want haruhi *shudders*

one of the best.

sloppy but funny xD

No problem enjoy!

I be your best friend!

I have two spares. Give me your psn or PM me somehow.

legitimate question. Where is this organization getting its numbers? I couldn't find the source or the survey this data was gathered. The site also doesn't look that professional. Im also interested in which kinds of games the 48 percent of females are playing. Most females I know tend to play more casual games.

it's a glitch. They refered to it as the "stock" glitch. Im not really familiar with how it's done.

Its caled the "grey area"! I used to be down there! You don't know the struggle unless you've been down there.


Maybe you could just put politics aside and enjoy the music.

haha so sorry.