you're a fucking dumbass who has no idea what or how bad real slavery is. Watch some documentaries or go to a musuem and then say that. Your life is nowhere near that bad.
you're a fucking dumbass who has no idea what or how bad real slavery is. Watch some documentaries or go to a musuem and then say that. Your life is nowhere near that bad.
1. Why the heck are you getting your news from Kotaku/expecting it.
well equip 3 members and then kill the ones you don't like off until you have your strong three. Zell is the Mvp on the last round since his limit break can do massive damage. Quitis is also very useful since she has white wind. If you dont have white wind go back to the fountain area in the castle and fight the…
and I thought I liked ff8.
it's actually much, much, much easier with a low level party...
huh? I was pretty sure he got clean hence the title of the album "recovery". His most recent album was great with songs like headlights and rap god.
I normally don't agree with your song selections Luke, but this was amazing!
cheap assess unite! Lol
thought that was a start to a joke.
its not bad at all. Millas story was bad because it cut out certain things and her voice actor is the worse on the dub. It's like she had a lower quality mic or she was to close to it. Jude on the other hand had a much more complete story. The game itself is good but feels rushed in areas.
I think you've summed up every pokemon game........I kid....I kid...
I dont have a 3ds. can someone tell me what it looks like. Is the bounce just right? is it rythmic?
does the game play good without the DLC or did they make it in a way that nickle and dimes you.
you normally need double space. That would be 44 gb xD. Im not entirely sure if you can only instal one file or you need both. People reported that they needed to download all the files on Uncharted 3 before the game would work. I think that might be the case for ni no kuni unfortunately.
link us it if you still have it xD
Im also a leftie.The game is meant to be played with your third thumb though ;)
good shop xD