a popular artist in the early 2000s. She's kinda become irrelevant except for in Japan nowadays. You mightve been making a joke and it flew over my head.
they paid for photos and an experience something that some celebrities give for free. If people are paying to spend time with you at least try and make it a good time. It's not as if any of them were trying to harass her.
I think you're right the earlier builds had more windwaker esque shading. I think its the advancement of the games artstyle.
they did its one of the few positive things reviewers have pointed out.
this is gold
Although They're not the most technically impressive I think your appreciation varies greatly due to how much of the references you understand.
Im almost positive they will have anime cutscenes since they are in literaly every core tales game.
Audrey Drake? Havent watched the video
yep next Tuesday
they have an online store so you can still buy what you want and then play it when you have a new or fixed ps3.
seems you've already played the classic FFs and dont like the modern ones. So Id suggest picking up FF X hd if you havent played it already. I highly recommend the Persona series both 3 and 4 are on the Ps store ($10). They have a good mix of comedy and overall good stories.
Id highly recommend the Disgaea series you can get the first for 10 dollars on the psn store. Probably some of the funniest and most witty writing Ive seen in a video game. Although its a tatical rpg so that might not be your style.
It's crazy how it feels so small when put into an image like that!
this game was cool but doesn't hold a dime to micro machines. Especially the 64 version one of the best local multiplayer games imo.
valk chronicles xD that's too funny!
still in beta ;)
admittedly Im one of the guys hitting on the chicks. Trust me its funny as hell if they think your being serious.
holy crap trophies xD are they hard ?