
it has to get out of beta first :P

sounds like someone dosent like borderlands :/

just added you on racenet and psn. You just need to accept the request and add me as a social rival on racenet.

scared me a lot the first time. I even made it my profile pic lol.

OR maybe it's Maybeline!

whether it was satire or cynicism I laughed xD

is it? got it on ps+ and was wondering if I should be playing it next. Which ones better the newer one or the genesis one?

still got the game almost got the platinum just need to reach level 10 (9 atm). I could help you get it if you like.

idk the camera was flailing all over the place and it seemed to take a long time to kill things. The combat didnt look phenomenal but thats my opinion we need an opinion from someone whos played it over extended amounts of time.

A ratchet and clank movie was announced and confirmed by Sony Heavenly sword also.

Winner right here this looks great!

idk I saw all the Mileys and the one pictured above seemed to be the most proffesionally done.

Owen good an editor who used to work at Kotaku reviewed the snuggy like contraption he's wearing in that picture. One of the pictures in the review was of him doing yard work with a wheelbarrow. That picture specifically went viral and has become a tradition in the shop contest. Id give you a link to the review if I

Smosh games not "Smoosh" just saying.

you realize you can draw from the monsters right? they'll normally have exactly what you need to kill them. you can also turn your items into spells normally big amounts like 20-50 if you use the right items.

I've been playing FF8 for weeks since I just got it off the PS store so I'm not saying any of this with nostalgia. The draw and Junction system was fantastic and really grows on you once you understand how it works. I think the main problem is that people don't understand how to Junction spells to make your characters

shes cosplaying not trying out to be a double. Wasn't that a bit uncalled for.

Just because she dosent look exactly like the character dosent give you free reign to be a dick.

Doctor who

the green plane was a shark if you look closely at the entry.