Space dandy a new anime pretty funny check it out.
Space dandy a new anime pretty funny check it out.
You havent lived in the gray! You dont know what its like down here!
God has answered my prayers!
Glad Im not the only one who loved graces F . I think that game gets a lot of uneeded negativity on this site.
You cant change to Japanese voices unfortunately In Xillia. Thankfully the english cast is solid aside from Milla's VA who is a rookie and seems to have a muffled or lower quality mic. Graces F has solid english voices across the board.
I cant see it either unfortunately xD
Its there.
This is glorious!!!
Nerf now is refrencing a machinima promo that would pay you more money on your videos if you speak positively about the Xbox one and include a special hashtag. The deal was considered sketchy and gained a lot of traction.
yeah kinda hate the grey system. the spam bot is still here just in grey. On the flip side a lot of peoples comments dont get read because of it.
haha made the same joke XD
Ikr couldve demanded a pre order of Just Dance 2015!
whoa never thought Id see a spam bot agian. Its nice knowing that your half sister is still doing good :)
I guess he wanted to be a smooth criminal.
Its your browser. Kotaku worksterribly with internet explorer. Download firefox or chrome and you should have no problem.
let me help you. the highest price is the original price. the second highest is the sale price. the lowest is the Playstation plus price. playstation plus is Sonys premium service that gives you free games each month and higher discounts. hoped that helped.
real time battles instead of turnbased so you shouldnt have to worry to much. It defenitely is a fun game worth 10 dollars ( I paid 50 XD).
play Jude's (the guy) story first. it feels more complete and things are explained better. Milla (the girl) story feels incomplete in some ways because she is more closed off. She also has admitedly the worse voice actor. Not sure why but when she talks it sounds somewhat mumbled (worse mic quality?).
Worth every minute xD