Zetsuen no tempest was fantastic. Although the second half wasn't nearly as good as the first. I also think that might've came out last year.
Zetsuen no tempest was fantastic. Although the second half wasn't nearly as good as the first. I also think that might've came out last year.
Mine craft was a pretty big game last week.
Yes you actually can check vita games in the ps3 store. Just go to the PlayStation plus tab , then go to the all instant game collection tab at the very back, PS vita games should show up. Ps4 games on the other hand you need to go to the online store.
Racist for not liking a certain kind of music is going a bit to far.
I love rap but I just didn't get what's good about this guy. His flow seemed way to laid back (even more so than Lil Wayne) and the songs beat was just okay.
I tried the voice commands. They didn't work when I said "vita games".
He is obviously joking people especially with lines such as "Stop laughing at this shit."
I bought a ton of stuff on sale at black Friday.
You and me both. I went to GameSpot thinking I could do the buy 2 get 1 free with xenoblade. The cashier told me I couldn't because they weren't allowing you to do two deals at a time. In reality it was probably because they were selling "pre-owned" copies of the game in "mint" condition ;) . Oh well worth the money…
Seems you like more serious stuff so I can't reccomend to much but you should check out.
Wow I completely disagree with you. The action in Uncharted 1 is the best in the series (IMO). The sensitivity is much higher which makes the gunplay a lot faster. It's also the most challenging of the games in the series requiring well thought out shooting to beat on crushing difficty.
All those last gen Heroes up there are blogs users make. Feel free to write a blog on why you thought it was a hero and it will probably get featured next time around.
I'm absolutely loving it but the amount of fan service in the anime is definitely going to stop it from being as popular as AoT. I also don't think the quirkiness/randomness is going to be everyone's cup of tea. AoT is definitely going to remain the biggest anime of the year.
Reginnator spelled backwards :P
I can't unsee it now.....THANKS >:/
Shes marrying a guy in a "Wii u" t shirt :P
Kotaku and Ackk studios aren't on the best terms with each other. Big argument ensued when one of the devs insulted the site.
Toad has blue spots now because mario bros wii was 4 player. Mario was red and it couldve been confusing to the players visually. they also had a yellow toad and it was simpler than coming up with a color scheme for him. So they decide to keep the one color design to easily identify the players.