Monster hunter tri Ultimate although the game is a bit niche so do some research to see if its for you.
Monster hunter tri Ultimate although the game is a bit niche so do some research to see if its for you.
Same platform only sadly.
Thank you this is essential to all shop contest .
NO you can still buy VC and Wii Ware games. Stephen didn't clarify what he meant. The servers for Wii channels such as Everybody votes, Check mii out, and the Nintendo channel are going down. Channels such as Youtube, Netflix, Internet, and the Wii shop are still going to be up. You can also still play games such as…
These GIFs are fantastic.
inb4 Alien colonial Marines is mentioned
XD laughed so hard great GIF
Nintendo is pretty cool about this stuff as long as no money is involved.
Imported it?
I found it hilarious....but that's just me
Well played Luke Well played.
Well played didnt even notice it was a 3ds until I inspected it further XD
Most of the ROMs are going to come from illegal sites that distribute the game over the internet. I doubt many people are going to buy an actual cart and back the data to use this legally. It is a grey area so some might find it fine.
No, I didn't
More of a moral choice than an economic one. I know some people think its fine since the games aren't in print anymore.
Sounds awesome except it promotes piracy.
Yeah he was hillarious XD
Dont skip over this one. The original Tales of Symphonia in HD is enough to warrant the $60. The American voice overs are top notch which is something I cant say about most JRPGs. although I think the voice work is a bit more iffy in the second one. Some of the characters voices might be a turn off like you pointed…
Speak for yourself the headphones look awesome on people IMO