Thank you thats the first thing I thought of when I saw those numbers above peoples heads.
Thank you thats the first thing I thought of when I saw those numbers above peoples heads.
Earthbound itself is very niche. They have only released one game in english and that was for the super nintendo. Mother has a great fanbase but it would defenitely not move units. Zelda and Mario have familarity amongst families and many other gamers that earthbound dosen't.
It will feature 2 player couch co op and 4 player online co op.
This has such a different view on the industry than the piece Jason Schriener write on Dragons Crown.
Bacon soda! Is there anything that won't become a chip or soda flavor xD
Love that game been playing it since a little after the official release. Out of curiousity your username is magnum. The same username as a famous player that used to play the game. Are you the same person or is it a coincidence?
The Wtf tag was a nice add Owen.
Owen I read the whole article and don't understand what the heck I just read.
Not written by Patricia suprised.
Major problem there is that there are no universal controllers for any mobile device. There will never be one for android since that encompasses so many phones and companies. A problem I have with docking is that it isn't displayed properly and is stretched or at a lower resolution than my TV screen. I also don't…
This is a lie in some respects.
He's getting there he soon will start to play the vastly superior farm ill.
Yeah its a but small...were talking about half life right?
Not sure who you are referring to.
Judging from the description Owen I can love Lil Wayne :D
Anybody know a way I can snag a digital PS3 copy of borderlands for a decent price (if thats even possible?)
Why is Lenna's Hair White in the portrait. It was always pink?