
lol great refernce XD

Yes you did. The guys account is Patricia Hernnandos. A kotaku write is called Patricia Hernnandez and often writes about sexism in games and the industry. he is parodying her.

Try dungeon defenders. Very fun game and top notch active tower defense combat like orcs must die.

They easily could've said add on or “downloadable extension" or any other term to make it easier to understand.


missed the point. its a news company they should research anyway.

He was talking about sales... you should read the context of how he said things. besides if there is more sales that means the system is in more living rooms so technically I did dominate.

I watched it already your slow to the punch dude.

that sounds like your about to fart

hope your trolling becasue a "realistic" look just dosent fit pokemon.

PS+ I know you just came from the past from a time machine but check it out.

A rip off of a rip off!

You know we have all these DDR in one game but we will always just secretly play the best one in the series.

I love aquaman especially after his fantastic console game.

Id suggest not the ps3 is a GIGABYTE eater. I had about 30gb of my HDD tooken out soley from that game. You also have to install the patches and then download the updates from the client. It takes way to long just to even play it. Id highly suggest you stick to the PC version unless you have spare HDD space.

Really is subtle didnt notice it until you pointed it out.

No it isnt it looks like two of her ships are on her shoulder.

It looks good except it looks like there are two ships on her shoulders.

Thanks. I didnt read all of it since it seemed to talk about the game. I skimmmed through it but didnt see anything so I just asked the Kotaku community. Much easier and more direct IMO.

Sounds good but how much will it cost, and how much GB will it take.