
Guys I got some of the leaked script. Obiwan Kenobi and Darth Maul were in a dark room. All was quiet until. Obi Wan reached into his pants pocket to pull out his lightsaber , it was long and hard. He thrusted it into Darth Maul sparks were flying. He finally put it in pulsating within Darthmaul. The battle climaxed

Id have to go with Borderlands 2 fun as hell when played multiplayer.

youre right man. love that avatar by the way no homo ;)

I think Readysoup shouldve deserved a spot. Although props to all the comics and thier creators that are going to be featured. I do think that you shouldve atleast put a sample of the comics up so that people will get a feel for what the comic is about/the type of humor. I feel like its more of a popularity contest,

Ah, its FFV thanks its been awhile since I played it. That game is perfection besides the random battles in the field.

Is this the one that was for SNES and had the job system for the four hereos.? The plot was about 4 ctystals shattering. Cuz If it is I freaking love the game and might consider xD

Holy crap deal breaker

The original controller pro and The new Wii U one dont have sensors either. I havent played the game but I assume you can use a classic controller pro but not the newer one by the way the sentence was formed. I read from Gameinformer that you can push the trigger buttons on the gamepad ( also assuming the classic

its a joke ppl!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not at all I played it on my Droid RAZR quite a few months back. Im guessing the game is just getting optimized for the phone you and Mike Fahey are using.

This has been out for a long time.

Idk how its painful though atleast the older woman knew what she was talking about.

Im fine with people not knowing what a Wii U is, but why do you go on twitter and ask what a Wii u is. Google was made for a reason!!!!!

F#ck I knew jessus was racist Z(-_-)-_

Yes Niggas!!!!!

Wolf with something positive to say about nintendo O_O

Yep but ya got too hype things up.

Dont ask..your brain will rot

At least the kids know about the system thats all that matters ;)

Wow nintendo outdid themselves with this boxart! Holy buckets!!!