Jessus is on this site dont talk bad about the holy man! Hallelujah!!
Jessus is on this site dont talk bad about the holy man! Hallelujah!!
Those copies have already been circulated and legally bought. To say used copies is pirating is like saying the library is evil since authors dont see a dime.
Its for ps3 hahahahaha
Tell that to the PC master race! They started it MOM!!!!"
Of course jessus would know what to do ;)
At least most of the problems can be patched
That crap is horrible and slow loading!!!!
This video has been up since last week!!!! Old news kotaku
* bows to the master*
You can now buy a 360 for $90 (mightve been $99) if you agree to pay for Xbox live for a set number of years (4 if I havent mistaken). they will probably discount it if you agree to the contract but as with other contracts you probably have to pay big bucks if you want to leave earlier.
Anybody asked about the wii u version. There has been a lot of back and forth on whether it would be better or exactly the same as the Ps3 and 360 version. if not can someone ask for me (dont have a reddit account),thanks.
Got that right
Black ops is good!!!! * grabs flame shield*
Jesus man you troll every freaking nintendo article. No one said they were first to use round edges or is stupid enough to argue over something thus small..not sure if you're parodying nintendo fans or just plain stupid...
Cant argue with that to much. Brings up the question What do you like!!! All I see you do is troll lol
A great edition to the sony family alongside the ps dildo.....I mean move ;)
Memories of pso episode 1 and 2 xD
Facebook page timesplitters 4 plz like the page. If it gets to 100,000 then cyrtek says theyll think about a new timesplitters but for now they say the fanbase is to small
Both will be announced at e3 90% sure.also they arent going to be beast due to Sonys financial problems and the vitas hurting sales. I dont see them selling at a huge loss because its to risky ( vita was cutting edge and sold at a loss not doing good). Microsoft is moving in an entertainment and casual market with…